Straight Up

Acoustic ceilings made quick and easy

Elegantly seamless with an installation time close to acoustic ceiling tiles delivers significant value for money, and Styjl.


Dimensions & weight

15 mm: 16 mm (5/8 inch) total construction height excl suspension grid. Weight (dry, excl suspension grid/mech. fasteners) 4.85 kg/m² (15.89 oz/ft²).

15 mm: 66 mm (2 19/32 inch) total construction height excl suspension grid. Weight (dry, excl suspension grid/mech. fasteners) 7.35 kg/m² (24.08 oz/ft²).

20 mm: 21 mm (25/32 inch) total construction height excl suspension grid. Weight (dry, excl suspension grid/mech. fasteners) 3.13 kg/m² (15.89 oz/ft²).

20 mm: 66 mm (2 4/5 inch) total construction height excl suspension grid. Weight (dry, excl suspension grid/mech. fasteners) 5.38 kg/m² (24.08 oz/ft²).

25 mm: 26 mm (1 1/32 inch) total construction height. Weight (dry, excl adhesive/mech. fasteners) 2.78 kg/m² (9.11 oz/ft²).

39 mm: 40 mm (1 37/64 inch) total construction height. Weight (dry, excl adhesive/mech. fasteners) 4.12 kg/m² (13.51 oz/ft²).


15 mm-20 mm: Mechanically fasted directly to suspension grid, with or without absorbing backer board. Can be mounted on walls or ceilings.

25 mm-39 mm: Can be mounted on walls or ceilings. Can be mounted with no gaps on existing ceilings or wall surfaces, suspended mounted on plasterboard or suspended directly from a track system.

Light reflectance
93% per ASTM E147-98A.

Fire safety classification

15 mm: Class A per ASTM E84, B s1d0 per ISO EN-13501-1:2018

20 mm-39 mm: Class A per ASTM E84, A2 s1d0 per ISO EN-13501-1:2018

Cleaning and repair
Can be vacuumed. Spots can be removed with water and sponge. Damaged surfaces can be repaired.

Color selection
Can be tinted in the entire NCS, RAL, Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore color scale.


15 mm: CDPH/EHLB Standard method V1.2 2017.

20 mm:ISO 16000-6:2021 (Indoor air – Part 6:Determination of organic compounds (VVOC, VOC, SVOC)

25 mm-39 mm: 0 g/l (0,00 lbs/gal) VOC (emissions) per ASTM D3960, LEED.

Installation temperatures should be between 15 °C and 32 °C (60 °F and 90 °F) with humidity that does not exceed 70%. Tested for mold growth per ASTM D3273.

Sound absorption

15 mm: NRC 0.55 – 0.85 per ASTM C423. Alpha W 0.60 (class C)-0.75 (class C) per ISO 354/ISO11654.

20 mm:NRC 0.75 – 0.95 per ASTM C423. Alpha W 0.55 (class D)-0.95 (class A) per ISO 354/ISO11654.

25 mm: NRC 0.85-0.90 per ASTM C423. Alpha W 0.85 (class B)-0.95 (class A) per ISO 354/ISO11654.

39 mm: NRC 0.85-0.90 per ASTM C423. Alpha W 0,90 – 0.95 (class A) per ISO 354/ISO11654.

Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC)

15 mm with 50 mm backer board: 51 per ASTM E1414.

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Let´s talk

Is it really possible? Yes, where there’s a will there’s a way! Contact us and we will share our experience and help you find your best solution for a fantastic seamless acoustic experience. And of course we are happy to send more information or a product sample if requested.