Refurbishments can sometimes be tricky, no question about it. But it’s also a trend that’s going strong in today’s society. Adding an element there, touching up the paint work here can really give a place a face lift. Specified in the renovation of the lobbies at the City National Plaza on 515 S Flower St in LA, designed by Gensler Los Angeles, was our Fellert Even Better Silk. It was installed where there used to be an old glass tiled ceiling.
There were also a challenge with installing the Fellert Even Better Silk, as there were also an existing concrete ceiling. The installers had to level out the concrete surface in order to install an even and smooth acoustic plaster ceiling. By adding the acoustic ceiling, it not only improved the sound environment, it also added more light reflectance making the lobbies brighter. The ceiling itself is not the only element that brightens the lobbies, spotlights and light fixtures are imbedded in the acoustic plaster to give more life and welcome the tenants to the City National Plaza.
Adding a stunning Fellert Even Better Silk canvas is sometimes the icing on the cake.
Designed by Gensler, Los Angeles. Installed by Nevell Group Inc.