Högsbo Local Hospital Gothenburg

Högsbo Local Hospital – Straight Up a vertical wall in two respects

 In an effort to expand open specialist healthcare services in the Gothenburg region, the first milestone is Högsbo Local Hospital, a newly constructed facility set to provide surgery, outpatient care, and diagnostic services for all ages, with modern work methods and cutting-edge IT support.

Pioneering Healthcare

Högsbo Local Hospital is at the forefront of innovation, challenging traditional healthcare methods. It will specialize in open specialist care, focusing on common health issues prevalent in the population. The hospital’s unique feature is its emphasis on day surgery, without inpatient beds.

Högsbo Local Hospital is driving healthcare transformation in Gothenburg, focusing on innovation and accessible specialist care for the community.

Enhanced Acoustic Comfort with Straight Up Acoustical Plaster

In the quest to provide a more comfortable and peaceful environment for patients and staff, Straight Up seamless acoustic system with acoustical plaster has been installed on the walls and ceilings in its public areas. This innovative solution not only enhances acoustic comfort but also contributes to a more serene and soothing atmosphere in the hospital’s public spaces.


Seamless Integration

One of the standout features of Straight Up acoustical plaster is its seamless integration into the hospital’s interior design. Its minimalist and modern aesthetics complement the hospital’s decor, creating a visually pleasing and harmonious ambiance.

 The decision to install Straight Up acoustical plaster in public areas demonstrates Högsbo Local Hospital’s commitment to enhancing the patient experience and creating an inviting atmosphere. It’s a significant step toward fostering a more comfortable and soothing healthcare environment.

Building owner: Västfastigheter, VGR. General Contractor: SKANSKA and architect: SWECO.

Phote credits: Magnus Bylund Honest AB.

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